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Title: Досвід практичної реалізації концепції базового доходу
Authors: Гевлич, І.Г.
Гевлич, Л.Л.
Keywords: basic income
unconditional income
pilot activities
socio-economic results
базовий дохід
безумовний дохід
пілотні заходи
соціально-економічні результати
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Київ: Державна установа «Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України».
Series/Report no.: Історія народного господарства та економічної думки України;2020. Вип. 53
Abstract: The concept of basic income is an idea developed by philosophers, economists, and politicians. Numerous local experiments on the introduction of partial basic income have taken place around the world. But theoretical searches and practical experiments were carried out separately, without considering the expediency of the latter and generalizing their results. However, from the perspective of the practical implementation of the idea of unconditional basic income in the world, the most interesting is to confirm or refute the theoretical studies empirically. The purpose of the article is to summarize the results of experiments on the implementation of the concept of basic income in terms of further development of theoretical research in this field. The paper discusses in detail the conditions, the methodology of the most popular pilots to implement basic income in the USA (The New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Iowa, Seattle, Denver, Indiana), Canada (Manitoba), Namibia (Otjivero, Omitara), Uganda, India (Madhya Pradesh), Finland and their generalized results. The study concludes that basic income can be seen as an effective tool to combat poverty; the experiments demonstrated the preservation of labor activity in the presence of basic income; improving social performance is serious and long-lasting compared to economic achievement; better respond to the introduction of unconditional income for the income group and the younger generation; the continuation of experiments is determined not by the results achieved, but by the politiДосвід практичної реалізації концепції базового доходу 433 cal will of the organizers; based on the conditions and scales of pilots, direct extrapolation of their results to the future is impossible. Numerical modeling tools are proposed to solve this problem. Identifying the impact factors to build a mathematical model of the base income experiment will be a direction for further research.
Description: Стаття у науковому виданні Історія народного господарства та економічної думки України 2020. Вип. 53
Appears in Collections:Бібліографічні матеріали

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