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Інші назви: Рослинництво, кормовиробництво
Автори: Корнійчук, О.В.
Климчук, О.В.
Векленко, Ю.А.
Ключові слова: біопаливна індустрія
структура посівних площ
біоенергетичні культури
площа посіву
валові збори
агропромисловий комплекс
енергетична незалежність
biofuel industry
structure of sown areas
bio-energy crops
sown area
gross harvest
agro-industrial complex
energy independence
Дата публікації: 6-кві-2022
Видавництво: Київ: Аграрна наука
Серія/номер: Вісник аграрної науки;№5 (830), С. 33-41
Короткий огляд (реферат): To analyze the current structure of sown areas of the main groups of field crops and determine the potential of priority bio-energy crops for the production of relevant bio-fuels. Methods. The following general and special scientific methods were used in the research process: hypotheses, dialectical and analytical generalizations, monographic, graphical, forecasting, and abstract-logical. Results. Analytical results indicate the feasibility of using the main and by-products of winter wheat, corn, sunflower, rape, colza, and soybeans to form a raw material base in the production of bio-fuels at the industrial level. The use of primary and secondary products of sugar beet, potato, and fodder corn as raw materials for biofuel production requires a significant increase in their gross harvest due to a slight expansion of sown areas and increased productivity levels per unit area. The outlined situation concerning the considered crops of bio-energy significance will have similar trends soon, which is confirmed by the calculations performed and the forecast data obtained for the period up to 2025. Conclusions. One of the main directions of improvement of domestic biofuel production is a balanced process of its transfer to the path of intensification and innovation and investment development, ensuring the optimization of sown areas for the formation of raw materials. The use of agricultural products for the production of biological energy will increase the consumption of cheap renewable energy sources, especially in the agricultural sector of the economy, ensuring the growth of national competitiveness.
Опис: Стаття у науково-теоретичному журналі «Вісник аграрної науки»
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://r.donnu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2328
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