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dc.contributor.authorШвець, К. А.-
dc.identifier.otherDOI 10.31558/2519-2949.2022.2.10-
dc.identifier.otherУДК 32.321.001.327.7.327.8-
dc.descriptionСтаття у науковому виданні ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса Політичне життя, 2 – 2022en_US
dc.description.abstractReintegration planning and post-conflict management policies largely depend on the form of conflict resolution. At present, it is impossible to predict the form of the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, so any policy-making activity in this area can only serve as a theoretical basis for the processes that will take place in practice. The article examines the models of post-conflict management within the management process, which is localized within the territory affected by the armed conflict, is considered a resource by various political actors, requires institutional order and overcoming the consequences of the conflict. Strategies for the influence of international and national actors on the management of post-conflict territories have been identified. It is determined that in the post-conflict territories international organizations perform their statutory functions, thus justifying their functioning in the crisis of the system of international law and international relations. Based on the "ideal types" of models of international and national governance, the models of post-conflict territory management that can be implemented in Ukraine under certain scenarios are considered. The analysis of four models provided an opportunity to make some generalizations: the Bosnian model – peace at the cost of limiting sovereignty and increasing internal contradictions. The implementation of the Croatian model will lead to serious human, material and image losses in Ukraine. At the same time, the application of the Pakistani model to the temporarily occupied territories will threaten to further fragment Ukraine. The German model is focused on creating favorable conditions in the distant future. According to the criteria of control over the management of post-conflict territory and the ability to exercise this control, the best scenario for the management of deoccupied territories is to develop its own adaptive model that will demonstrate its effectiveness in achieving such a goal as establishing a peaceful, sovereign and democratic development of Ukrainian territories. research remains out of Ukraine’s control.en_US
dc.publisherВінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стусаen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПолітичне життя. НАУКОВІ РЕФЛЕКСІЇ ВІЙНИ;2 – 2022, с. 61-69-
dc.subjectпостконфліктна територіяen_US
dc.subjectмодель управлінняen_US
dc.subjectадаптивна модельen_US
dc.subjectтимчасово непідконтрольна територіяen_US
dc.subjectpost-conflict territoryen_US
dc.subjectgovernance modelen_US
dc.subjectadaptive modelen_US
dc.subjecttemporarily uncontrolled territoryen_US
dc.title.alternativeWorld models of post-conflict territory governance. Experience for Ukraineen_US
Располагается в коллекциях:Бібліографічні матеріали

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