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dc.contributor.authorЧальцева, О. М.-
dc.contributor.authorШвець, К. А.-
dc.identifier.otherDOI 10.31558/2519-2949.2020.2.9-
dc.identifier.otherУДК 323.2.35:351-
dc.descriptionСтаття у виданні "Політичне життя" ДонНУ імені Василя Стусаen_US
dc.description.abstractThe article examines the influence of online practices of interaction between state power and civil society on the process of public policy formation on the example of the transition systems of Lithuania and Ukraine. It is determined that the introduction of online practices in public policy in Lithuania provides for the modernization of the public administration process in accordance with the new conditions of institutional development; contributes to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions of government and the state; conditions are created for open and transparent public administration, as well as the possibility of sustainable feedback between government and business and citizens. It was found that Ukraine is actively involved in the interactive process, which can be attributed to the positive effects of institutionalization of public policy. The introduction of electronic technologies in the field of public administration and the expansion of information space allows public authorities not only to provide better services, but also to decentralize, while strengthening horizontal links between the bureaucratic system, strengthen feedback between government officials and citizens and have in order to ensure constant adjustment of the activities of the authorities taking into account the wishes and requests of the population. The tendencies of institutionalization of public policy practices in the online space are clarified, the specifics of the virtual activity of actors in the public space and the degree of their influence on politics are revealed. It is proved that new information technologies web 2.0 and web 3.0 changed the practice of social communication in general and public policy in particular, led to the emergence of new interactive institutional forms of cooperation, which expanded the public space and complicated the management system. It is noted that the level of e-government development, which ensures active public participation in public administration, is of great importance in building public policy "from the bottom up". Online tools have given impetus to the inclusion of new mechanisms of networking – for both traditional actors and newcomers, created conditions for the inclusion of more citizens in the political process, provided platforms for communication, led to new innovative institutionalized forms of partnership between civilen_US
dc.publisherВінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса "Політичне життя"en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПОЛІТИЧНІ ІНСТИТУТИ ТА ПРОЦЕСИ;№ 2, с. 63-71-
dc.subjectгромадянське суспільствоen_US
dc.subjectпублічна політикаen_US
dc.subjectпублічне управлінняen_US
dc.subjectформи політичної участі,en_US
dc.subjectелектронне врядуванняen_US
dc.subjectcivil society-
dc.subjectpublic policy-
dc.subjectforms of political participation-
dc.titleOnline practices of public policy in Lithuania and Ukraine-
dcterms.subjectpublic administration-
Располагается в коллекциях:Бібліографічні матеріали

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